Because every menstruator has a different menstrual cycle length, each menstruator needs to create a period bracelet unique to them. Some menstruator have period cycles as short as 21, while some have period cycles as long as 40; whatever your menstrual cycle length is, the Period Bracelet is for you. Inside the period bracelet kit, you are provided with a fishing line (to string together your beads), 10 red beads, and 40 white/black beads. That is 50 beads altogether! You do not need all 50 beads to make a period bracelet, but we need you to have as many as you can, just in case. We have given you many beads to construct a period bracelet, no matter your period cycle length.
Based on their period pattern, You can build a unique period bracelet in 3 easy steps. These steps are explained in the guide that comes with this product.
The period bracelet is the abacus for periods. It is an easy way for menstruators to track their menstrual cycle to help them know when to expect their period.
Via our period bracelet, we are increasing menstrual awareness. The period bracelet helps end period stigma as menstruators wear them to show their support while using the bracelet to track their cycle.
When you buy one of our period bracelets, we use the profit towards providing a young African schoolgirl in an underserved community with a free period bracelet. You are helping her track her menstrual cycle to accurately predict when she will have a period and be ready with a pad in her school bag.
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